Our Mission: To bring you all the fun stuff you didn't know about.



Interview with Anthropocene at the LeVoyer in downtown Olympia.
I totally enjoyed meeting these guys. lots of energy, lots of fun, I look forward to seeing them again.

Rise N Shine

As you all know it is lake-fair weekend here in Oly. After going downtown to checkout the scene I was fortunate enough to stop by Pints&Quarts in Lacey. Rise N Shine was playing and I really enjoyed their show. I hope to bring you some interviews and music from Rise N Shine in the next week.

If you like reggae you will love this band!
You can check out there music here:
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/orcasislandband
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rise-N-Shine-Band/204189966123

Stay tuned for exclusive interviews and music.

LBC - Rocks the 4th AVE

LBC Rocked the 4th Ave tonight. Yes, a Tuesday. I found out about the show 30 minutes before it started, which is exactly why Oly needs Olycast.com. For those of you who haven't heard of LBC, they are a Sublime Cover band. There is some controversy in regards to LBC such as rumors that they are Sublime haters. On the contrary I spent some time with these guys and they have nothing but love for Sublime and are just trying to keep the music alive. All I know is that they put on one hell of a show. The music was great and 4th Ave was packed like I had never seen it.

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